About me
Qualifications & experience
I have an MA in mindfulness-based Core Process Psychotherapy from the Karuna Institute in Devon, and am a fully accredited member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
My psychotherapy work is inspired and supported by a long-standing Zen practice and is informed by a deep interest in body/mind practices such as yoga, conscious movement and shiatsu. I have a Diploma in Shiatsu-Do from the British School of Shiatsu (1995), and a Diploma in Practising Energy Psychotherapy (2023). Using a combined cognitive/somatic approach, the latter focuses on working with the subtle energy system -- using acupoints, meridians and chakras -- to help rapidly and safely resolve trauma.
Originally from Melbourne, Australia, London has been my home since the mid 1980s. I have a background in writing and editing, and in the recent past I've had therapy-related articles published in Self & Society and the Zen journal Hazy Moon.
Central London
within walking distance of Southwark, Waterloo and London Bridge stations.
South London
within walking distance of Brixton and Herne Hill stations.